Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Transformations can be a tricky thing!  However if you know a few tips it can be made easy.

For example, if you have to translate a shape it slides.  TranSLate and SLide both had SL in them!  It stays the same shape and direction, it just moves, like sliding downa slide.  That's what i have found to be the easiest thing to stick in the kids heads has I have helped them with this! 

Rotation is rotating a figure around a certain point., as if the figure were dancing in a circle!  Just like on a merry-go-round!  You can sit on the end of the toy and twirl around the center.  All you never change neither will shape.  The corner/side that is facing the middle will always face the middle.


Refelction is like a mirror. When the shape gets reflected over a line its like us looking into a mirror.  Its the exact oppisite.  everything is the same but on the other side.   


Volume is defined at the amout of space that an object can hold. Most people dread having to find the volume of a shape, although if you think about it, its just the area multiplied by the height!  if you had the same shape stacked on top of each other you would be able to find the volume!
 it would be the area of the base (the sides that are congruent in shape and parallel) times the hight.  For example, volume of a rectangular prism is V=lwh or V=Bh where B=lw.  For a triangular prism its the same as a rectangular prism just divided by 2 cause a triangular prism is half rectangular prism.

  If having to find the volume of this pool its not very hard area of base (decagon) multiplied by the height (or how full you wanted the pool)  You would want to make sure that you don't over fill it or under fill it!  You would want to keep track of the water going in and be prepared for the water bill that summer!

Surface Area

Having to know how to find teh surface area is one thing that you may need to know more than you think you do.  Have you ever wanted to pain your house?? Or put up wall paper or more than one wall??  Inoreder to figure out how much pain or wall paper you need you would have to find the are of all of the walls you are painting and add them together.  Little did you know you were finding the surface area!  I wish there was an easier way to find surface area than adding the area of all sides but that how the formulas are made up.  some have short cuts that involve multiplying by a number if a number of sides are the same size!

Although most of it looks complicated, its not!!!  It's just a bunch of parts that you add together to get a final answer. Its always easy to take smaller parts to make whole than to have to deal with a huge problem!

Converting Units

One thing that has never been my strong point is having to convert in the metric system. I know that all you have to do is move the decimal, but it gets confusing as to which way to move the decimal...
It can also be confusing not remember the order that they go in.  Heres a mnemonicdevice that helps: King Henry Dies Ugh Drinking Chocolate Milk (KHDUDCM) = Kilo- Hecto- Deka- Unit (base unit, move the decimal from this spot) Deci- Centi- Mili- (KHDUDCM)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY6K5eNkxp8  Here's a video that explains it a little better than I can!

Pythagorean Theorem

I personally love the Pythagorean Theorem!  I'm kinda nerdy that way!  I embrace it!  Once you get the hang of it, it's not that hard to do!  If you have a right triangle (this only woks for right triangles) and need to find a missing side this is what you would want to use! although most of the time you have to cut a trianlge in half to make a right triangles and then solve for the missing side.  The formula a^2+b^2=c^2.
This video is entertaining and informative and catchy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbopLhP4kpo

Finding the Area

Finding the area of some shapes can be really easy while some of them can be a bit more difficult.  Most people know how to find the are of a square/rectangle, it's something that we have been doing for a while; A=LW.  Although here are many that most people don't know off of the top of their head.  Some of these might include triangles, trapezoid and circle.    Although if you know that there is a polygon but its not one that has a set formula there is a set formula!!!  A=1/2a(ns) where a means height (apothem), n means number of sides, and s means side length. To get a clearer understanding click this link:  http://www.mathwords.com/a/area_regular_polygon.htm

 Hi, my name is Tatum Hatch.  I am a Special Education major with a emphasis in learning disabilities.   I currently work at a Jr high with the LD kids and I love it.  During the summer i am a lifeguard and teach swim lessons.  
I recently got engaged to a wonderful man who I love with all my life!  He had two kids so becoming a mom is a new thing to me and is probably the toughest job I will ever do.  I love them all so much and I love that we are a family.
    I am the youngest out of five siblings, two of which are married.  Their kids mean the world to me and I play with them whenever i am able to.  One of my best friends is my brother who is just older than me and we hang out together on the weekends or whenever we are not studying.  I love my Family more than anything and we are all good friends.
    I can be extremely geeky sometimes.  I love Harry Potter, both the books and movies, and can answer most trivia questions if i know that source (ie if the question is answered by what the book said or the movie).  I also love Hunger Games, and reading in general.  I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, and I am getting into Merlin.  I love to watch the forensic shows like Bones and NCIS.  
    I feel like I am an easy person to get along with.  If you are nice to me I'll be nice to you.
This is a little about me!